Accent Eye Care Tucson Vision Therapy  | Accent Eye Care

Accent Eyes for Premier Tucson Vision Therapy

Sight is our most important sense. Having well cared for eyes with doctors and staff that are experienced and expert in eye care is essential to not only treating eye disease by preventing eye disease. The board certified doctors and staff of Tucson vision care at Accent Eyes offer offers comprehensive vision services and vision therapy for all members of your family.

We provide our neighbors in Tucson vision therapy services that include preventive care, such as annual exams and gene testing for possible eye disease. We also treat eye diseases, such as infections like “pink eye,” cataracts and effects of other diseases such as diabetes or high blood pressure on vision.
In addition to the removal of foreign bodies that may have gotten into the eyes, we address pediatric vision therapy for conditions such as “lazy eye” or double vision and; pre- and post-eye surgery care to help insure the best outcomes after procedures such as cataract removal.

In Tucson vision therapy, we believe in prevention of eye problems, which helps avoid the need for vision therapy. We carry a line of high quality and useful supplements to help keep your eyes well nourished and healthy.

Tucson’s vision therapy, we also provide a range of important services for athletes of all ages. Having problems in any of the many visual and visual related activates needed for peak athletic performance will prevent athletes at every level from reaching their full potential and enjoying their sporting activities to the fullest.

Our expert staff provides Sports Vision Training for athletic to that are designed around the unique needs and visual abilities of the athlete. These visual needs include hand-eye coordination, dynamic visual acuity, tracking, focusing, visual reaction time, and peripheral vision. Our specially trained doctors and staff provide sports vision therapy in Tucson that is individualized to the patient, but also is customized for the specific activities required of the sport.

We have an emphasis not only on expert professional care for your vision therapy, but also on providing our patients with a professional, welcoming and friendly experience at all of their visits.

For Tucson vision therapy, our patients regally provide exceptional feedback about their visits. Our reputation with other physicians in co-managing vision therapy is also of the highest level.

Please call us at (602) 547-3255 or email us at  for all of your vision therapy and eye health needs.