Accent Eye Care Reasons You Should Schedule An Eye Exam | Accent Eye Care

Reasons You Should Schedule An Eye Exam

Annual eye exams do not often get the recognition and respect they deserve. Even if you have been told that your vision is perfect and have not noticed any significant changes in your ability to see things clearly, it is still a good idea to schedule a visit.

There are many reasons you should schedule an eye exam. Annual exams can help detect early warning signs of severe diseases and help you maintain the quality of your vision. Here are three more reasons to you should schedule an eye exam.

Vision changes over time – As you age, your vision changes. Just like you visit your doctor annually, you should also visit the optometrist. This helps to track your eye health over time.

Detects early warning signs – Did you know that one of the biggest reasons you should schedule an eye exam is so your doctor can help detect early warning signs of serious diseases? Diabetes, high blood pressure, and autoimmune diseases can all be diagnosed during your exam.

Vision impairment is harmful – If you feel like your vision is not the best, you are putting yourself and others at risk. At night, your vision drops significantly due to lack of daylight. If your vision is already compromised, you might be seriously risking your life.

You should schedule an eye exam is because it will help improve your quality of life. There is no reason to live with less than optimal vision. You only get one pair of eyes so treat your eyes with care. An annual eye exam is the first step to taking care of your vision.

Having an annual exam is important to maintain not just your eye health, but your overall health too. When you are ready to schedule your exam, our expert team at Accent Eyes will treat you with gentle care. Call us today.