Accent Eye Care Night Blindness | Accent Eye Care

Accent Eyes Night Blindness

Night blindness is a type of vision impairment that makes it difficult to see at night or in poorly lit or dim environments. This condition is often misunderstood, as it implies that you’re unable to see at night. This isn’t accurate, since it’s more likely you simply have challenges seeing or driving in dark conditions.
Causes of night blindness
Eye conditions can be the root cause of night blindness. These could include:
• Cataracts
• Near-sightedness
• Retinitis pigmentosa (dark pigment collections in your retina that creates tunnel vision)
• Usher syndrome

Because older adults are more likely to develop cataracts, they are at higher risk for night blindness.

Vitamin A deficiency can also lead to night blindness, though this is generally rare in the United States. People with cystic fibrosis have difficulty absorbing vitamin A so they may be at risk for developing night blindness. Blood sugar levels play a role in the development of eye related conditions, so those with diabetes should be regularly screened for night blindness and other diseases.

Symptoms of night blindness

Aside from having difficulty seeing in darkened environments, you might have challenges when you transition from a brightly lit environment to one which is less so. For example, night blindness can occur when you’re outside on a sunny day and then walk into a dim restaurant. Driving impairments come from the brightness of headlights and street lamps.

Treatment options

Our highly qualified Accent Eyes team will carefully review your symptoms and discuss a detailed treatment plan with you. We may ask you to provide a blood sample to evaluate your glucose and vitamin A levels as well. Fortunately, most instances of night blindness are treatable, which means your life won’t stop if you develop this condition. Call or visit our office today and trust your eyes to us.