Accent Eye Care Color Blindness | Accent Eye Care

How to Manage Color Blindness

Color blindness is the inability to differentiate between colors. The conditions are rare and not very serious. Most of the times, you are first diagnosed by an eye specialist. There are workarounds for individuals, so the disease rarely affects daily living as most patients can see most colors.

There is a group of people, who can only see in black and white. The condition is known as achromatopsia. The state can range from mild to severe and most people must learn how to manage this type of color blindness. It can affect either one eye or both.

Lack of color vision is frustrating and may limit one’s participation in some occupations. However, it is not a serious threat to vision or life. With time, dedication, patience, and practice, people can adapt. There are two causes of color blindness.
• Inheritance
• Eye disorders and conditions

In the color blindness that is inherited, the patients tend to confuse green and red color and it mostly affects males more than females. However, this type is still rare. The other type may be caused by retinal or optic nerve injuries and result in failing vision. The ophthalmologist will need to do a screening test to verify the cause. This condition may also be affected by the diseases that affect eyesight, such as diabetes, glaucoma, Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, multiple sclerosis, sickle cell anemia, aging, and chemical exposure.

Unfortunately, for the condition of color blindness, there is no known cure. Work with your eye doctor to see how best to adapt and accommodate your inability to see color. However, if the condition accelerates notify your specialist immediately. Always schedule your regular eye examinations to detect proactively conditions before they get too serious. A regular visit to your eye specialist will help you counter the situation before it degenerates.