Accent Eye Care Bulging Eyes | Accent Eye Care

What do Bulging Eyes Say about Your Health?

This condition happens with one or both eyes protruding from the socket. More of the cornea tends to be exposed to the air, because of space being occupied by lesions like fat and other swellings. Eventually, it makes it hard to keep the eyes well lubricated. This condition is also medically referred to as Proptosis and exophthalmos. However, this condition should be differentiated from prominent eyes. Prominent eyes are hereditary, meaning you get them from your genes.

Some children are born with eyes that protrude, while others develop them because of other underlying conditions. Most commonly, hyperthyroidism would be to blame. The thyroid gland releases hormones responsible for metabolism. The situation results from an overproduction of the hormones. Hyperthyroidism is usually as a result of Graves’ disease. Your eyes may bulge when blood collects behind it if you get an accident that will cause bleeding in your eye. Other causes of bulging eyes are glaucoma, eye infections, or neuroblastoma — a type of cancer that causes a swelling behind the eyes.

Bulging eyes are a confirmation that your immune system, which is the body’s defense, attacks the soft tissue around the eyes. As a result, they swell and thrust forward, giving them a “bulging” appearance. Other symptoms are characterized by, pressure or pain in your eyes, puffy eyelids, red and inflamed eyes, sensitivity to light, double vision, or vision loss. You could also experience palpitations in the affected eye; you will even notice excessive dryness, fever, and headache.

Bulging eyes will need treatment, and the underlying cause will determine the course of treatment. Changes in the eye may happen over time, but when you notice the symptoms, it is prudent to visit your eye specialist for medication. Regular checkups with your eye specialist will ensure that the condition is detected early and you can be able to get drugs or management solutions.