Accent Eye Care Hyperopia | Accent Eye Care


Although it is medically referred to as hyperopia or hypermetropia, laypeople often refer to this condition as long-sightedness or far-sightedness.
It is a type refractive error that causes light rays to focus behind the retina rather than on the retina as in the case of a person with normal eyesight. This makes closer objects appear blurry while objects that are more distant appear normal.

In extreme cases of hyperopia, binocular vision is reduced. As a result, the sufferer experiences double vision. Binocular vision refers to how your eyes work together to show you a single three-dimensional image of an image or your surroundings instead of the individual images that both eyes see. You can then see how defective binocular vision would lead to double vision.

Hyperopia is the result of the eyeball being too short or a distortion in the shape of the lens or cornea.
Some other risk factors that may cause the condition include a family history of the condition, diabetes, problems with blood vessels in the eyes or tumors surrounding the eyes.


Common symptoms of hyperopia include an inability to see clearly objects, which are nearby, eyestrain, blurry vision, headaches, and visual fatigue after doing close- up tasks like reading.
However, the most common symptom is eyestrain. It happens as a result of ‘over-focusing’ the eyes.


Hyperopia is usually diagnosed by using a retinoscope. Ancillary tests, which are used to test for abnormal structures, are carried out using a slit lamp test. This test examines the condition of the conjunctiva, cornea, and iris.
While farsightedness is a fairly serious condition, it is still treatable without any adverse effects. The usual treatment strategy is to use corrective lenses like eyeglasses or contact lenses. Surgery is also another viable option.

Of all the surgical options, LASIK remains the most popular. LASIK is short for ‘Laser-assisted in situ keratomileusis’. It is used to reshape the cornea so that corrective lenses are no longer necessary.

Hyperopia is a common condition and there are many options to treat it. So, see your doctor if you notice any changes in your eyesight. Remember, prevention is better than cure.