Accent Eye Care Expert Vision Therapy for Amblyopia (Lazy Eye Syndrome) | Accent Eye Care

Expert Vision Therapy for Amblyopia (Lazy Eye Syndrome)

Lazy Eye Syndrome, more properly known medically as amblyopia is a medical condition that is usually seen in a small percentage of children. It most often occurs from birth up until the age of 7 years. It is generally not a dangerous condition by itself, but can be associated with other medical conditions that can be more of a problem.

Amblyopia causes decreased vision accuracy in one eye because of abnormal vision that develops early in life. The most common sign of amblyopia is that the weaker eye will tend to drift inwards or outwards from the center point – thus the common name for amblyopia has become “lazy eye.” It rarely affects both eyes.

Things that can affect a child’s vision, such as a muscle imbalance in the muscles that position the eyes, or differences in the visual accuracy between the two eyes or conditions such as a cataract. All of these conditions, including treating amblyopia require prompt medical attention by an eye specialist. Some conditions such as cataract in an infant must be addressed immediately.

The physicians and staff at Accent Eyes are expert in recognizing the symptoms of lazy eye in children from birth on. They are experienced in treating amblyopia using the latest diagnostic tools and treatments to help address the problem.

Most commonly amblyopia (lazy eye) can be very simply managed with the right type of corrective lens prescriptions. Proper management in treating amblyopia usually requires periodic review and updating of prescription lenses and a thorough check of eye health as the child grows older. This is to ensure that proper lenses are fitted and that no other eye health problems have developed.

The expert physicians at Accent Eyes have successfully treated thousands of cases of amblyopia. Our staff is specially trained and experienced in working with children to provide competent care, and an approach and atmosphere that our youngest of patients find cheerful and gentle.