Accent Eye Care Affects of Blue Light


Accent Eye Care Affects of Blue Light

It is common to experience dry and tired eyes after spending extensive time on a computer screen. These digital screens emit blue light which leads to undesirable concerns for our eyes like making them feel strained, dry or watery, and irritated. Blue light messes up with our circadian rhythm thus also affecting our sleep. Circadian Rhythm is the internal clock that tells our body when to sleep or when to be awake. In our everyday lives, staring at computers and phones has become a part of our routines. So, is there a way to handle the damaging effects of blue light from digital screens? Yes, of course, by using glasses that block blue light. Blue light-blocking glasses protect our eyes and lessen the possible threat of retinal damage due to extended exposure to blue light.

Another cause of eye strain and eye discomfort concerns is Computer Vision Syndrome (CVS). This is due to the persistent shifting of focus, continuous moving of the eyes, screen glare, and contrast which causes strain to our eyes. We don’t blink as regularly when looking at digital screens and even books for too long which leads to dry, and irritated cornea. Focusing our eyes on things that are up close causes our eyes to be strained and contracted which then leads to eye discomfort, thus looking at objects at a distance might help our eyes to relax.

When looking at digital screens, practice the 20-20-20 rule to relax yours. Every 20 minutes, look at an object with a distance of 20 feet away for a duration of 20 seconds. Also, use eye drops throughout the day to help keep your eyes lubricated. It is also very much advised that you sit an arm’s length away from your screen, which is more or less 25 inches away.

As mentioned, blue light does affect our sleep. So make sure to turn off all digital devices one hour before bedtime. Sleep tight!