Accent Eye Care Quick Facts About Astigmatism

Astigmatism is a common and usually treatable curvature defect of the eye that can cause blurred near and far vision. Astigmatism occurs when the front surface of your eye (cornea) or the lens inside your eye has a curve that does not match. The surface is not just a curve like a sphere, but an egg shape. This can cause blurred vision at all distances. Astigmatism symptoms can vary from person to person. Some people do not have any symptoms. Symptoms of astigmatism include blurred, distorted, or blurred vision at all distances (close and long distances), Difficulty in seeing at night, Eye fatigue, Squinting, Eye irritation, and Headache.

Astigmatism can occur to anyone. The risk of developing astigmatism could also be higher if the following are present: a family history of astigmatism or other eye disorders, like keratoconus (degeneration of the cornea), scarring or thinning of your cornea, excessive nearsightedness, which creates blurry vision at a distance, excessive farsightedness, which creates a blurry close-up vision and a history of certain forms of eye surgery, like cataract surgery (surgical removal of a clouded lens).

Astigmatism may be treated through the following: Corrective lenses and contact lenses endorsed by a specialist are the foremost common and slightest obtrusive treatments for astigmatism. Orthokeratology (Ortho-K) could be a treatment that utilizes rigid contact lenses to briefly correct the irregular curvature of the cornea. Your doctor may also prescribe a refractive surgery in case you’ve got a serious case. This sort of surgery includes utilizing lasers or little blades to reshape your cornea. This will permanently adjust your astigmatism.

Astigmatism – Symptoms and causes. (2019, September 4). Mayo Clinic.
Kivi, R. (n.d.). Astigmatism: Causes, types, and symptoms. Healthline.