Accent Eye Care Quality Eye Care | Accent Eye Care

Quality Eye Care

It is easy to take our vision for granted; however, by doing so, we risk our vision and eye health. Quality eye care starts with you. You can do some things for yourself at home and in your lifestyle to promote and maintain your visual health.

Eye exams

First, establish a relationship with a quality eye care professional. In order to, help you see at your peak of visual acuity, get your comprehensive eye exam annually. In addition, follow any recommendations for your eye health that the physician advises. This may include special optic vitamins and mineral supplements, eye exercises, eyeglasses or contact lenses.

At AccentEyes, they deliver customized, high quality eye care for all members of your family, from infants to the older adult. Their mission is to service and protect your vision with respect and care. They offer easy and understandable assistance that includes managing eye diseases, to fitting contact lenses and eyeglasses.

UV eye protection

Long-term UV ray exposure from the sun is a cause of cataracts. The naturally transparent lens in the eye becomes cloudy and your vision becomes foggy and blurry. With more than 200,000 cases per year in the US, anything you can do to delay the development of cataract will prolong your vision. The easy answer is to wear sunglasses that protect from both forms of UV light. Your eye care specialist can suggest the appropriate type of lenses for your needs.


Among the other health hazards brought about by smoking, your eye health is primary on the list. Age related macular degeneration and cataracts occur at a higher rate in smokers than in non-smokers. It is about lifestyle choices as this is easily preventable. There are several effective smoking cessation methods available without a prescription.

Quality eye care involves the full spectrum of expert advice, common sense, and healthy living. Always consult the valuable input of your eye doctor to bring you the most up-to-date information in the healthcare world.