Accent Eye Care Causes of Color Blindness

Color blindness is moreover known as color deficiency. Color blindness frequently happens when somebody cannot recognize between certain colors. This ordinarily happens between greens and reds, and once in a while blues. In the retina, there are two sorts of cells that identify the light. They are called rods and cones. There are three sorts of cones that see color: red, green, and blue. The brain uses input from these cone cells to decide our color perception. Color blindness can happen when one or more of the color cone cells are absent, not working, or distinguish a different color than ordinary. Extreme color blindness happens when all three cone cells are missing. Gentle color visual deficiency happens when all three cone cells are displayed but one cone cell does not work right. It identifies a distinctive color than typical.

Color blindness has a few causes and these are some of the following: Inherited disorder. Acquired color deficiencies are considerably more typical in guys than in females. The most widely recognized color deficiency is red-green, with blue-yellow deficiency being considerably less common. It is uncommon to have no color vision by any means. You can acquire a mild, moderate, or serious level of the disorder. Inherited color deficiencies generally influence the two eyes, and the seriousness doesn’t change over your lifetime.

Diseases. A few conditions that can cause color deficits are sickle cell anemia, diabetes, macular degeneration, Alzheimer’s disease, numerous sclerosis, glaucoma, Parkinson’s disease, chronic liquor addiction, and leukemia. One eye might be more influenced than the other, and the color deficit may improve if the underlying illness can be dealt with.

Certain medications. A few prescriptions can alter color vision, for example, a few medications that treat certain autoimmune diseases, heart problems, high blood pressure, erectile dysfunction, infections, nervous disorders, and psychological problems.

Aging. Your capacity to see colors decays gradually as you age.

Chemicals. Exposure to certain synthetics in the work environment, for example, carbon disulfide and composts, may cause loss of color vision.


Color blindness – Symptoms and causes. (2019, December 28). Retrieved from
What is color blindness? (2021, April 6). Retrieved from