Accent Eye Care Why You Shouldn’t Look Directly at the Sun  Indeed, even a speedy look at the sun is typically agonizing and troublesome, so our normal
sense is to quickly squint and dismiss. Yet, on the off chance that it’s overcast or foggy, or there’s
a sun-based overshadowing occurring, taking a gander at the sun appears to be simpler and feels
less agonizing. Be careful, it is harmful.

At the point when you look straight at the sun—or different sorts of brilliant light, for example, a
welding light—bright light floods your retina, in a real sense consuming the uncovered tissue.

Transient harm can incorporate burn from the sun of the cornea—known as sun-oriented
keratitis. This outcome in light affectability and agony, with side effects by and large
appearance up inside 24 hours of openness.

More genuine harm is known as sun-powered retinopathy. This happens when UV light in a real
sense wears out the retinal tissues. It obliterates the poles and cones of the retina and can make a
slightly vulnerable side in the focal vision, known as a scotoma.

The retina doesn’t have any aggravation receptors, so you will not feel the harm is finished.
It’s normal not until a few hours (or even days) after the fact when individuals discover their
eyes hurt, their vision is obscured or that dim or yellow spots are influencing their sight that they
understand harm has happened.

Don’t look at the sun directly! When outside, wear sunglasses that block UV rays, especially
when you are out on a hot sunny day on a beach. It is also advisable to wear sunscreen to avoid
eye bags. Give your eyes the tender loving care it needs. Taking care of our eye health should be
a very essential part of our daily self-care routine.