Accent Eye Care What Is Double Vision? 


Double vision or diplopia refers to a condition in which the eye(s) perceive two images of a single object. The images may overlap horizontally, vertically, or diagonally.

Double vision can occur in either eye (monocular diplopia) or in both eyes (binocular diplopia). You can find the faulty eye by covering each eye in turn. Whichever eye still shows two images of the same object is the offending eye. If just one eye sees double, it is not so serious because glasses can easily correct vision in that eye; but if both eyes see double, this is usually a sign of a more serious problem and may require surgery.


Diplopia is usually the result of many eye defects, including a misshapen cornea, cloudy lens (cataracts), neurological conditions, and dysfunctional extraocular muscles. However, the main culprit is the muscular degeneration of the eye muscles.
Eye muscles work together to produce a single image of an object; but if one eye is weaker than the other, both eyes won’t move in sync and this results in a double image


Like other visual conditions, double vision can affect the day-to-day routine of the sufferer. This causes tasks like reading, driving, using a computer to become a lot more difficult or even impossible to execute because of this impairment. In addition to these, diplopia can also affect balance and movement.


Diplopia has many causes and consequently, its treatment methods will vary too. Options for treating diplopia include visual therapy, use of eye patches, prism correction and in more serious cases, surgery.
Double vision affects an individuals quality of life and at the same time is not necessarily a cause for alarm. It is a treatable condition; however, you should visit an eye doctor if you have problems seeing clearly.