Accent Eye Care Proper Way to Use Gadgets

Nowadays, almost everyone is using their phones, laptops, computers, and tablets for work, entertainment,
and even school. But some of them do not know that how to utilize it appropriately. The abuse of it
becomes very dangerous. When you are utilizing your computers don’t go observe it front to front. Utilize
your computers seeing the screen somewhat downwards at a 15-degree angle. Among other
recommendations, feet ought to be rest comfortably on the floor. Don’t use your mobile phones and
tablets in a dark room due to the fact that it can have an impact on your eyes directly and it may be a
source of Eyestrain. Take a break from looking at your screen every 20 minutes for 20 seconds while
looking at something 20 feet away because doing so unwinds your eye muscles.

Adjust your smart phones’ brightness and text contrast or size because it also provides a little much-
needed relief. It makes it easier to read web content and messages. Having your screen too bright or dark
stresses the eyes out and can cause problems maintaining focus. To have no issue, go into your
Smartphone settings and adjust your screen brightness about the same as the amount of light in the
place around you. Regular eye exams help you keep your eye health in check and make sure your
problems are not worse than normal eye strain. It also gives you a great chance to talk to an eye
specialist about your habits and eye health. Keep your eyes wet by blinking about 10 times every 20
minutes. Keep on blinking again and again when you are using Smartphone because blinking often keeps
your eyes moist and prevents dryness and irritation. Blinking often helps refocus your eyes, too.

Here at Accent Eye Care, we’ll assist your journey to eye care.

Accent Eye Care Proper Way to Use Gadgets