Accent Eye Care LASIK Eye surgery is FDA approved.

LASIK eye surgery has been used for more than two decades to help correct vision problems and other eye-related ailments. According to FDA officials, less than one percent of people who have LASIK surgery have long-term consequences. Asides from the FDA, the American Academy of Ophthalmologists says that there have been more than 300 peer-reviewed studies on LASIK surgery since it was approved over two decades ago.

The FDA’s 2018 report on LASIK surgery contains information on what you should know, before, during, and after surgery. It has a glossary of terms and a checklist of issues you should consider and, questions to ask your doctor before undergoing LASIK surgery. Sometime in 2019, a former FDA advisor, who was a part of the team that approved LASIK surgery in the 1990s said, that it should be banned. You should note, however, that like any other surgery LASIK surgery has its risks. Eye experts state that the procedure has improved over time with about 7000 studies supporting it. The studies acknowledge that distortions occur though they are short-term.

As a regulatory body, the FDA has done its part by speaking on the risks of LASIK. You should ensure that you disclose your entire health status to your surgeon before embarking on a LASIK surgery. Doing this may lessen the effect of any post-surgery complications that may arise. Furthermore, the FDA has reviewed clinical data from manufacturers. These data show that doing LASIK yields more benefits when performed on the right patient.

The decision to do or not to do a LASIK surgery is entirely yours. If you do not feel up to it, use your glasses and contact lens if the temporary after-effects of a LASIK eye surgery bothers you. However, before deciding, get professional guidance from Accent Eyes surgical ophthalmologists. They will answer all your questions, explaining in detail the benefits and any risk, as well as create a plan. Call or visit