Accent Eye Care Interesting Facts About Our Eyes

The gift of vision is one of the greatest gifts we have just by virtue of being members of mankind. The eye is the fastest muscle in our body. Hence, the phrase: “In the blink of an eye.” Brown eyes are blue eyes underneath. Consequently, a person can receive surgery in order to make their brown eyes blue and the world’s most common eye color is brown. The night vision of tigers is 6 times better than that of humans. Pirates wore earrings because they believe that they enhance their eyesight. Many eye injuries are surprisingly fast to heal. Our bodies recognize that our eyes are very important to us, and many eye injuries can be recovered very fast. A blink typically lasts 100-150 milliseconds and in a single second, it’s possible to blink five times. The human eye can function at 100% at any moment, without needing to rest. Red-eye in photos is caused by light from the flash bouncing off the capillaries in your eyes. Moreover, if the human eye was a digital camera, it would have 576 megapixels.

Accent Eye Care Interesting Facts About Our Eyes

We also have two eyeballs for depth perception. Our eyes work together to help us judge the size and distance of things so that we can carefully navigate around them. Tears help protect our eyes from infection and dry eyes. Any dirt and dust that have passed the defense of our eyelashes and brows are rinsed by tears. They keep our eyes clean and moist and filled with antibodies that fight infection. Our eyes close automatically to protect us from recognized dangers which is the responsibility of the superb reflex control of our eyelids which allows them to close right away when they become aware that an object is too close to the eye or there is sudden bright light. Furthermore, you actually see with your brain, not with your eyes and our eyes function like a camera, catching the light and sending data back to the brain. Finally, you see things upside down and it is your brain that turns the image the right way up as what you are seeing right now.