Accent Eye Care Eye Allergies: Causes, Symptoms, and Treatment

If your eyes are itchy, red, and irritated, yet there is nothing in them, you might be suffering from allergies. Eye allergy symptoms might arise by themselves but are usually accompanied by nasal allergy symptoms (sneezing, sniffling, or stuffy nose). Eye allergies, much like nasal allergies, are triggered by outdoor allergens, such as pollens, grass, trees, and weeds. Indoor allergens like pet hair, dusts, and various molds can also irritate the eyes.

Visit our eye care experts at Accent Eyes to find out the source or sources of your allergy symptoms. Different types of eye allergies do exist, all of which an Allergist can differentiate and provide suggestions for proper treatment.

Seasonal and Perennial Allergic Conjunctivitis (SAC), (PAC):
SAC symptoms, experienced during summer, spring or fall, include runny nose, sneezing, and nasal congestion. PAC occurs year-round and induce the same symptoms as SAC but are milder. PAC symptoms are caused by reactions to dust, mold, and pet hair.

Vernal Keratoconjunctivitis:
A serious eye allergy that primarily affects boys and young men. It can occur year-round, but symptoms worsen seasonally. If not treated, vernal keratoconjunctivitis can impair vision.

Atopic Keratoconjunctivitis:
Affecting mostly older patients, this type of allergy has symptoms that are year-round and are like those of vernal keratoconjunctivitis: severe itching, burning, redness, thick mucus buildup. If not treated, the results include scarring of the cornea and its membrane.

Contact Allergic Conjunctivitis:
Irritation caused by contact lenses. Symptoms include redness, itching, mucus discharge, lens discomfort.

Giant Papillary Conjunctivitis:
Linked to wearing contacts, this allergy is a severer form of contact allergic conjunctivitis in which fluid sacs or papule form in the upper lining of the inner eyelid. Symptoms include itching, puffiness, tearing, mucus discharge, blurred vision, contact lens intolerance, foreign body sensation.

Adjusting your daily life regarding outdoor and indoor allergen triggers can be helpful. For outdoor triggers, one could limit outdoor time especially when pollen is more likely to be blown about, as well as keeping the windows closed to prevent such pollens from entering the home. Indoor triggers can be limited by deep cleaning the home to eliminate pet hair and dust. Above all, try not to rub your eyes, which will further irritate them.

Additionally, you can ask your pharmacist for a nonprescription, over-the-counter medication, or be prescribed a medication by your doctor. As always, ask your eye doctor if you have any concerns about eye allergies. Call or go online to schedule your Accent Eyes appointment today