Accent Eye Care Warning Signs of a Serious Eye Problem

When your vision is damaged, your life turns upside down. That’s why it’s important you have an ophthalmologist to get regular eye check-ups whom you can trust. It is also important to beware for common eye problems symptoms that may show you are suffering from an acute or chronic state. The sooner you recognize these symptoms, the sooner you can spot vision problems and treat them. The sudden onset of flashing lights, a visible rise in the amount of floaters, a shadow in the peripheral vision, or a gray curtain moving across the field of vision could be an indication of a detachment of the retina which is a nerve layer in the back of the eye that sends images to the brain. Redness in the eye can be a result of many different eye problems and injuries that can lead to irritation, swelling, and vision loss.

Accent Eye Care Warning Signs of a Serious Eye Problem

Blurred vision can also be an indication of a number of eye problems, such as glaucoma, uveitis, a torn retina, or AMD. If you’re having trouble seeing when it gets dark outside, you may also suffer from a night vision problem. If you’ve had eye surgery and experience any redness, eye pain, or blurring of vision, call your doctor right away to check immediately for any serious problem. Dry eyes can cause your eyes to feel gritty, scratchy, and irritated. Dry eye is a chronic condition that is normally a result of the eyes not making enough good quality tears for the eyes to be lubricated. If you experience any of the symptoms aforementioned, you should seek professional medical care. Some symptoms may be acute and occur only as an outcome of a migraine or a headache, but if they don’t go away, especially when they are constant and painful, consult an ophthalmologist.