Accent Eye Care Visual cognition | North Phoenix

Is your child having difficulties in discriminating different shapes, numbers, words, letters, or colors that look similar? This could be due to lack of visual cognition or perception skills that are vital for learning. If this is not caught early, it could lead to socialization problems and withdrawal. This could have a negative impact on your child’s self-esteem. Visual perception is “the process of absorbing what one sees, organizing it in the brain, and making sense of it.” At Accent Eyes in North Phoenix, we share your concerns. Our team of qualified professionals are willing and able to help you navigate through this challenge.
The Use of Stroboscopic Training
At Accent Eyes care in North Phoenix, we use stroboscopic visual training to improve the visual cognition skills of our patients. With SVT, our experts can effectively improve your child’s visual perception and attention. During a stroboscopic visual training, a patient is placed under a condition of intermittent vision with the use of specialized eyewear to enhance perceptual and visual skills.
The use of SVT in improving visual cognition skills has been around for close to a decade. Some other benefits of using SVT in sports and other areas include:
• Sports concussion mitigation and management
• SVT improves information encoding in short-term memory
• SVT improves battling statistics for university of Cincinnati Baseball Players
• Enhancement of anticipatory timing

Impaired visual cognition skills may slow down your child’s learning abilities, which could lead to frustration and isolation. We invite you to take advantage of our state-of-the-art technology at Accent Eyes care in North Phoenix. This coupled with our professionals’ training can help your child develop proper visual perception skills. The professionals at Accent Eyes are here to serve the needs of you and your family. Visit our website for more information and call or book an online exam today.