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16020 North 35th Avenue
Suite 2
Phoenix, AZ 85053


MON - THUR - 9:00AM - 6:00PM
TUE - 9:00AM - 6:30PM
FRI - 8:00AM - 2:30PM

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Accent Eye Care Vital Vision Supplements That Can Improve Your Eyes’ Health

Good nutrition is vital to your eyes’ health just as it is to your other body organs. Eye supplements contain minerals, vitamins, and other nutrients that are scientifically evaluated and proven to be effective. They supplement the nutrients that you get from your diet. If you’re living in the Rancho Encanto area, you may want […]

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Accent Eye Care Common Aging-Related Eye Diseases

Your eyes’ health may degenerate with age. Research shows that at around forty years of age, you may start experiencing trouble seeing objects and may be forced to use glasses to see close things. These may seem a normal occurrence. But to keep your eyes in good health, you want to be aware of those […]

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Accent Eye Care Types of Contact Lenses

Many people wear glasses around the globe. However, some people either do not like wearing glasses, or their medical conditions require the use of contact lenses for vision correction. Whatever the reason for choosing contact lenses, you want to learn more about them. For the Best contact lenses, Rancho Encanto, you can visit Accent Eye […]

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Accent Eye Care Three eye problems caused by diabetes

Diabetes has been known to cause or exacerbate eye problems. This latter happens especially if the diabetes is not detected early or if there is another underlying condition like high blood pressure. If you are experiencing some problems like seeing spots or holes in your vision, flashes of light, or experiencing blurred vision, you should […]

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Accent Eye Care Four Tips on Choosing The Right Eyeglass Frames

Eyeglasses are no longer used just by people with eye problems. They have become a fashionable eye accessory too. This increased growth of users has contributed to an increase in the production of different eyeglasses. For that reason, the task of picking eyeglasses can become overwhelming. However, there is no need to panic. These 4 […]

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Accent Eye Care How to Maintain Your Eyelid Health

When many people talk about keeping their eyes healthy, they mainly think about eating healthy and protecting their eyeballs from insult. However, they forget to take care of their eyelids until they have a problem. Your eyelid forms part of the lacrimal functional unit whose parts work in tandem to maintain the health of the […]

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Accent Eye Care Retinopathy | BelAir

People who suffer from diabetes can also develop an eye disease called retinopathy. This is when high blood sugar levels cause damage to blood vessels in the retina of your eye. Blood vessels can swell and leak or close, stopping blood from passing through. Our Bel Air team understands the challenges people with retinopathy face […]

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Accent Eye Care Cataracts | Phoenix

Understanding what cataracts are and how them impact our vision is an important part of understanding overall eye health. At our Phoenix office, we do more than just treat conditions like cataracts. We make sure our patients completely understand the conditions they have, including the symptoms of their condition and the underlying causes. Here’s a […]

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Accent Eye Care Children’s eye care | Bel Air

Our Bel Air team understand that learning always begins with the word, “see.” From classrooms becoming virtual to e-learning taking the place of textbooks, children’s eye care is becoming increasingly more important. Extended exposure to harmful blue light means that it’s important not to delay your children’s eye care exams, since some vision problems can […]

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