Accent Eye Care Prevention and Management of Lazy Eyes

‘Lazy eye’ or amblyopia is a childhood condition that affects the development of vision during childhood. It happens when one or both eyes cannot build a strong link to the brain. It is issued to describe an eye; that does not see as well as the other. It is always best to ensure that you treat amblyopia as early as possible; to prevent a permanently reduced vision, poor depth perception, and difficulty in reading.

You can’t prevent amblyopia or the other vision problems that may cause it. You can stop it from getting worse or causing permanent problems. The best way to prevent lazy eyes is to get regular eye exams. If you have a child, make sure you arrange for a thorough eye exam by 6 months and gain by 3 years. Amblyopia must be detected and treated as early as possible through a pediatric eye examination.

Three factors can put an eye at risk of developing amblyopia. The most common cause is the presence of strabismus, a condition where one eye tends to turn outwards or inwards. This is called strabismic amblyopia, a condition where the brain ignores visual signals from the misaligned eye to prevent double vision. Then there is refractive amblyopia, one eye is much more nearsighted or farsighted than the other eye, so the brain pays less attention to the blurry vision being transmitted by that eye. The final form is known as deprivation amblyopia when something blocks light and visual input from entering the eyes.

Since amblyopia may not show any visible symptoms, especially in children, it is better to receive comprehensive eye examinations for an optometrist to determine if there are risk factors such as an eye turn or unequal prescriptions. If there are risks, the doctor will intervene with treatment options. The ophthalmologists at Accent Eyes treat all optical conditions and offer a treatment plan. Call us today for a consultation.