Accent Eye Care Do You Have Constant Eye Allergies?

Eye Allergies may occur regularly and can surely be very upsetting. The eyelids, which serve as the mucous membrane covering and protecting the eyes, are where inflammations due to allergy
commonly occur. Allergies also occur in front of the eye itself, specifically on the cornea.

Atopic Conjunctivitis
Accent Eye Care Do You Have Constant Eye Allergies?  This is the most common eye allergy which happens as a result of hypersensitivity to air pollutants such as pollen grains, animal fur, mites, and mold spores.

Seasonal Allergic Conjunctivitis
This is also termed Hay Fever. It is a temporary infection caused by pollen hypersensitivity. This occurs usually during the summertime because this is the pollen/hay season. It exhibits symptoms of itching, redness, eyelid swelling, burning sensation, eye swelling, and excessive production of tears and mucus. This can be usually treated with antihistamines or anti-inflammatory medicines. When severe, a therapy called Immunotherapy can be conducted. This treatment is done to entirely exterminate the allergic reactions to prevent chronic inflammation which causes permanent injury and to treat allergic rhinitis.

Perennial Allergic Conjunctivitis
This eye ailment habitually affects middle-aged people. Its indications are linked to Dry Eye. The eye swells, becomes red, feels itchy, and has a burning sensation. This kind of eye ailment could happen the whole year-round. This is caused by dust mites, animal fur or mold spores. People suffering from this allergy are prescribed antihistamines but only temporarily because it worsens the dryness of the eyes. Steroids and cell inhibitors can also be prescribed. These prescriptions are usually required the whole year round too. Treatment for this allergy must be immediate, thorough, and extended if deemed essential. In both types, affected people will have dark circles around their eyes which are called “allergy shiners”.

Vernal Keratoconjunctivitis
This is a chronic, more severe, and less common eye allergy and may cause problems to the cornea. This eye allergy occurs mostly during warmer climates and affects both children and young adults. This is a seasonal allergy, occurring mostly from spring to autumn. In very warm environments, this can occur all throughout the entire year. People affected with this may feel a sensation that there is something foreign object on their eye accompanied by itching, dislike of bright lights, feeling like a thick mucus is on the eyes and forming cysts on the upper eyelid. This is caused by allergic reactions to airborne allergens. Both factors of genetic and environmental can implicate this situation also. Most patients suffering from this condition have a history of eczema or asthma.

Atopic Keratoconjunctivitis
This forms part of an irregularly sensitive immune reaction, regularly accompanied by eczema, allergic rhinitis or asthma. If not treated, it can severe and threaten the eyesight. Its symptoms include burning, itching, redness, production of thick mucus, and falling out of eyelashes.

Contact Allergic Hypersensitivity
This is caused by repeat micro-traumas occurring on the cornea. Contact lenses may induce allergy by themselves. Its symptoms include redness, itching, producing mucus and discomfort when wearing contact lenses.

Giant Papillary Conjunctivitis
This is caused by the use of contact lenses. This is an abnormal inflamed skin tissue forming on the inner part of the upper eyelids causing the eyes to feel puffy, itchy, teary, blurry and
heightened production of mucus.

Contact Blepharoconjunctivitis
It is caused by resistant and contaminated injury to the eye’s exterior due to contact with various substances such as natural resin in cosmetics, nickel and cobalt in mascara and eye medication components.