Accent Eye Care Common Eye Infections

When bacteria, viruses, or fungi infect a region of the eye or its surrounding area, an eye infection occurs. The clear front surface of the eye (cornea), as well as the thin, wet membrane lining the outer and inner eyelids, are included (conjunctiva). Here are some of the common eye infections:

Pink eye is a common ailment. Conjunctivitis, sometimes known as pink eye, is one of the most prevalent types of eye infection. Pink eye is a highly contagious eye infection that is frequently transferred among children in daycare facilities, classrooms, and other similar settings. A stye is an infection that forms a sensitive, red lump on the upper eyelid’s border. Styes occur when something plugs an oil gland in the eyelid, resulting in a minor yet unpleasant bacterial infection.

The majority of styes can be cured with simple home treatments. They may require medical treatment in less usual circumstances. Acanthamoeba keratitis. Contact lens wearers are more likely to come into contact with parasites that can infiltrate the eye and produce Acanthamoeba keratitis, a dangerous infection that can cause blindness. As a result, contact lens wearers should follow particular precautions, such as not swimming when using contacts. To reduce the risk of infection of any kind, proper contact lens care must be maintained. While trachoma is uncommon in the United States, it is a primary cause of blindness in other developing countries. In some circumstances, flies can spread the infection, and reinfection is a regular concern. Trachoma commonly affects the inner eyelid, which becomes infected and scars. Scarring leads the eyelid to “in-turn,” and the eyelashes begin to rub against — and damage — corneal tissue, resulting in irreversible blindness.

With all these existing eye infections, it is very important to practice good hygiene and visit your doctor once you feel some unusual feeling on your eyes.

How to tell if you have an eye infection. (2019, February 27). Retrieved from