Accent Eye Care Causes of Night vision

If you have issues with seeing at night, it might be that you need glasses or that you have cataracts. Most times, you may be afraid to go out at night due to low vision. When this happens, you should see your doctor. A wide range of conditions cause night vision ranging from sun exposure to diabetes, making it hard for people to see at night.

Cataracts: The eye lens is behind the pupil. As you age, old cells accumulate and lead to cataracts. Although they do not hurt, they gradually begin to cloud your lens. One of the first symptoms is a reduced night vision. That is because cataracts distort the light that comes into your eyes. Sometimes you may see halos around lights during the nights.

Vitamin A deficiency: Vitamin A is in carrots and leafy vegetables, so you should consume them as often as you can. It keeps the retina, the back of your eyes where images are focused, healthy. If you have Crohn’s disease? a health condition that makes it hard for you to absorb nutrients, you might also experience blurry vision at night.

Zinc deficiency: Without Zinc, Vitamin A will not function effectively, which results in night blindness. Beef, poultry, nuts, and beans are a rich source of zinc. It is in cold lozenges and some over-the-counter drugs sold as remedies for cold.
Diabetes: you are more likely to have night vision problems if you have diabetes. Over time, high blood sugar damages the blood vessels and nerves in your eyes that causes a condition called retinopathy.

An eye test and a conversation with your eye doctor may reveal the cause of your night blindness. They will usually use drops to open your eyes or use a slit-lamp, an upright microscope with a bright light in it, to examine your eyes. The treatment for night vision issues like surgery, wearing glasses, or administering eye drops depends on the cause. Contact the eye care professionals at Accent Eyes to set up a consultation today.