Accent Eye Care 10 Eye Health Tips To Make Your Clear Vision Last!

Today, more than 60% of all Americans wear eyeglasses. With the increasing prevalence of technology in our daily lives we spend most of our time sitting down, in front of a screen, staring. It makes our lives faster and more convenient, but we put our eyes under a lot of unnecessary strain and don’t get the proper nutrition. While there are many ocular diseases that can’t be cured, most of them can be prevented. Here are 10 simple eye health tips you can use to keep your vision up in the long run.

Wear Sunglasses

The sun emits UV radiation that can damage your skin and eyes. UV radiation has been linked to conditions such as cataracts, macular degeneration, cancer, cornea burns. Whenever you go outside bring a pair of 99-100% UV resistant sunglasses. Even on cloudy days snow, water, and sand can reflect dangerous radiation and ruin your vision.

Don’t Smoke

Smoking is just as bad for your eyes as it is for every other part of your body. Studies have linked tobacco directly to macular degeneration, cataracts, and a myriad of other ocular diseases. The best way to prevent smoking from damaging your eyes is to never start in the first place.

Eat Healthy

Carrots aren’t the only food that improve your vision. A variety of veggies, especially the leafy greens, are an important source of vitamins like C, E, Lutein, Zeaxanthin, Omega 3, and Zinc. But don’t forget the meats! Lean options like fish and eggs are your healthiest source of protein. The best foundation for a pair of healthy eyes is a healthy diet.

Look Away From the Screen

Nowadays we spend most of our time in front of a screen both at work and at home. When staring at a computer or TV for so long your eyes get tired and strained. To reduce these effects practice the 20/20/20 rule. Every 20 minutes look 20 feet away from the screen for 20 seconds.

Don’t Ignore Vision Problems

Many people just associate irritation or blurry vision with allergies and don’t give it a second thought. If your eyes are dry, gritty, or red try soothing them with some eyedrops. Then, if the irritation persists contact your optometrist.

Go To Your Eye Exams

You should have your eyes checked regularly no matter what. For most people this will be at least once a year. We advocate for regular eye exams so much because they really do help. Many vision threatening ocular diseases can’t be detected any other way.

Protect Your Eyes

Eye safety is important in all parts of your life. Common places like construction sites, chemistry class, and sports practice are notorious for housing tons of ocular hazards. Wear the proper eyewear for the occasion.

Clean Your Contacts

Hygiene is always important, especially when caring for your eyes. Remember to clean your contacts and always wash your hands before touching them. Don’t wear lenses that aren’t recommended by your doctor, don’t wear them while swimming, and don’t wear them overnight if they are for daily use. Your optometrist will educate you on proper contact safety.

Know Your Family History

Many hereditary conditions, like diabetes, can have a long term adverse effect on your eyes. Do some research and find out if your family has a history of high blood pressure, immune system deficiency, multiple sclerosis, aneurysms or cancer.

Read The Side Effects

Doubtless you have seen the hundreds of medical commercials that list off a seemingly endless list of side effects. Be on the lookout for medication that could potentially damage your vision. This could be in a variety of drugs or a combination of them.

Throw Out Old Makeup

Warm creamy liquids are the perfect host for bacteria. A good rule of thumb is to throw out makeup products that are over 3 months old as they can cause infection. If your eye does become infected see your optometrist immediately.