Most people think that a Phoenix optometrist can only do eye exams and prescribe eyeglasses and lenses. However, there’s more than that. Actually, the role of an optometrist is much more extensive.

Eye Exams

A Phoenix optometrist will use different types of tests and procedures for examining your eyes. These tests can vary. Some are simple ones such as letting the patient read an eye chart. On the other hand, there are also tests which are complicated. For instance, an optometrist may use a high-powered lens in order to see the small structures within your eyes.

A comprehensive eye exam at Accent Eye Care might take an hour or more. It will depend on the number of tests that the doctor will perform on your eyes. These tests are important since it can help the optometrist in evaluating the health and vision of your eyes.

Eyeglass Fitting

After going through an eye exam with a Phoenix optometrist, you might think that it’s already enough for getting the right pair of eyeglasses. However, even if your eyeglasses are specifically created for you, it is very important that it should properly fit you. The optician will be the one who will adjust the glasses so it can accurately fit your face. Likewise, the middle of the lenses must precisely align with your eyes.

Contact Lens Fitting

It is important to know that a comprehensive eye exam does not incorporate contact lens fitting. Hence, the doctor won’t be able to give you a contact lens prescription after having your eye exam. However, the contact lens exam can be performed by the same Phoenix optometrist who performed your comprehensive eye exam. When it comes to contact lenses, there is no such thing as one size fits all. In order to make sure that your contact lenses will fit you properly, the Phoenix optometrist will take some necessary measurements. If the contact lenses do not fit properly, then it could make you feel uncomfortable or cause hazy vision or worst of all damage your eyes.

Ocular Conditions Treatment

There is a handful of ocular conditions. Some of these ocular conditions such as astigmatism, cataracts, conjunctivitis, diabetic retinopathy, dry eye, keratoconus, macular degeneration, ocular hypertension, and presbyopia can be treated at Accent Eye Care. If some of these ocular conditions cannot be treated with vision therapy, then it may require surgery.

Vision Therapy

Vision therapy consists of a series of vision procedures conducted under the supervision of a Phoenix optometrist. It is designed to fit each patient’s visual needs. Visual therapy is safe to use for both adults and children. Accent Eye Care offers visual therapy once a week. For more information, you can call us at 602-547-3255.