Accent Eye Care Dr. Gong Developmental Therapy | Top Optometrist in Phoenix

Know your optometrist. Choose an eye care professional that is kind, educated, and good at their craft. Owner of Accent Eye Care, Dr. Aleta B. Gong is one of the top optometrists in the Phoenix area, and for good reason.

About Aleta B. Gong

Dr. Gong is a well learned eye care professional with over 20 years of experience in her field. She considers herself a developmental optometrist, as she places emphasis on visual dysfunctions and helping patients gain better visual control. She is a Fellow of the American Academy of Optometry and a Fellow of the College of Optometrists in Vision Development. In past years, she was President of the Arizona Optometric Association and remains a loyal member to this day.

About Her Expertise

Dr. Gong is trained in many areas of eye care but she specializes in visual development and corrective therapies. She has been trained to fit contacts for irregular eye shapes and various eye conditions. At her practice, she works with patients to give them the best eye care possible.

Where She Practices

When she’s not at her practice Accent Eye Care, Dr. Gong can be found at various medical facilities. She collaborates with other eye care professionals as well as neurologists, hospitals, physical therapists, and occupational therapists. If another medical professional’s patient needs visual rehabilitation, Dr. Gong can use her training and expertise to help.

Why Choose Dr. Gong?

Dr. Aleta B. Gong has an extensive background of training and practice. Her expertise in the field of eye care cannot be matched, making her one of the top optometrists in Phoenix. Each of her patients leaves with a smile thanks to her kind manner and helpful eye care.

Although Dr. Gong has her specialties, she can give quality eye care advice in more than just her areas of specialized training. She is an educated eye care professional that excels in her field and is just what you’re looking for in an optometrist.