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16020 North 35th Avenue
Suite 2
Phoenix, AZ 85053


MON - THUR - 9:00AM - 6:00PM
TUE - 9:00AM - 6:30PM
FRI - 8:00AM - 2:30PM

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Accent Eye Care How to Maintain Proper Eye Nutrition | Accent Eye Care

Eye Nutrition Maintaining healthy eyes seems like a process that involves many steps, meticulous awareness, and in depth medical knowledge. However, what many don’t know is that the foundation for a healthy visual system starts with what’s on your plate. Your eyes need a variety of nutrients to function at optimal performance. This includes preventing […]

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Accent Eye Care BlephEx | Dry Eye and Blepharitis Treatment

The reason that the BlephEx treatment is so successful is that it completely removes the exotoxin/lipase/super-antigen laden biofilm along the lid margin. This biofilm has been building up on our patient’s lids for decades, causing low-grade inflammation and slowly tearing down and degrading tear production. For some of you who do BlephEx with us, when […]

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Accent Eye Care 11 Ways Your Eyes Reflect Your Health

What Do Healthy Eyes Look Like? Your eyes play a significant role in first impressions. They are often the first stand-out feature, and offer a quick glimpse at what you may truly be like on the inside. The same goes for your health. Here are 11 ways your eyes might be telling you something is wrong. […]

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Accent Eye Care Know About Computer Vision Syndrome So You Can Fight Back

What is Computer Vision Syndrome? If you work a common desk job, browse social media frequently, or spend your free time gaming you’ve likely already experienced the symptoms of Computer Vision Syndrome, or CVS. Also referred to as digital eye strain, CVS is a collection of vision related symptoms that occur during extended computer use. […]

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Accent Eye Care 7 Terrifying Eye Facts | Accent Eye Care

Your eyes are the most complex organ in your body, second only to the brain. With such an intricate architecture, it’s no wonder they’re so significant. There is a lot to discover about the human eye. Here are 6 eye facts that we hope will spark an interest in your ocular health and safety. Vision […]

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Accent Eye Care Vision Therapy for Adults With Ocular Dysfunction

Why Do So Many Doubt Vision Therapy for Adults? It is commonly believed that vision therapy is only effective for children. While it is true that developing physical skills is easier early in life, often times adults make perfect patients for ocular training. On average adults are more likely to take an interest in their […]

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Accent Eye Care 10 Eye Health Tips To Make Your Clear Vision Last!

Today, more than 60% of all Americans wear eyeglasses. With the increasing prevalence of technology in our daily lives we spend most of our time sitting down, in front of a screen, staring. It makes our lives faster and more convenient, but we put our eyes under a lot of unnecessary strain and don’t get […]

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Accent Eye Care Does Vision Therapy Work? | Improve Your Child's School Performance

What Is Vision Therapy? Vision therapy is an individualized therapy program for the eyes that shares many similarities with physical therapy. It is primarily used to improve ocular motor and perceptual skills to treat learning disabilities or conditions such as strabismus. Vision therapy is also often considered one of the most controversial topics in optometry. […]

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