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16020 North 35th Avenue
Suite 2
Phoenix, AZ 85053


MON - THUR - 9:00AM - 6:00PM
TUE - 9:00AM - 6:30PM
FRI - 8:00AM - 2:30PM

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Accent Eye Care What is Orthokeratology?

Near-sighted people would love to see clearly objects at any distance without having to wear eyeglasses. And many have been looking at LASIK as the solution for this 20/20 vision goal, but did you know that Orthokeratology is another solution for this too? Orthokeratology is Corneal Refractive Therapy. Its sole purpose is to lessen the […]

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Accent Eye Care Can Contact Lenses Slow Down Nearsightedness?

Some people experience nearsightedness starting at an early age and get worse as they age. Nearsighted people are also at risk of developing other eye problems later in life. Nearsightedness is a visual condition wherein objects at a near distance can be seen clearly, but objects that are at a far distance appears blurry. This […]

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Accent Eye Care Be Healthy by Keeping Your Eyes Healthy!

One of the best ways to protect ourselves is to protect our eyes. Take good care of yourself by taking good care of your eyes. Here are some tips for a healthy vision and healthier you. The best way to take care of your eyes is to take care of yourself. Here are some tips […]

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Accent Eye Care Astigmatism

Astigmatism occurs when the eye’s cornea has an irregular shape which causes objects at a distance to appear blurry. The cornea is a clear and round dome covering the eye’s iris and pupil. When a cornea is healthy and normal, it is smooth and curves equally in all directions allowing light to be focused onto […]

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Accent Eye Care Are you at Risk for Loss of Central Vision?

Wet AMD (Age-related Macular Degeneration) is also called Advanced Neovascular AMD. Wet AMD is a less common type of AMD compared to Dry AMD. It causes faster vision loss. Any stage of Dry AMD can develop and become Wet AMD. Unlike dry AMD that has 3 stages (early, intermediate and late); AMD is always in […]

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Accent Eye Care Age-related Macular Degeneration (AMD)

Age-related macular degeneration (AMD) is a visual problem wherein the central part of our vision appears blurry. This concern occurs when aging effects and causes damages to the macula. The macula is the part of our eye whose purpose is to control sharp and straight-ahead vision. It is a part of the retina. The retina […]

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Accent Eye Care Safe Habits for Eye Makeup

Many eye makeup products are safe to use but once mishandled, they may cause eye infections. And since eye infections are a no-no because we need to have healthy eyes, we can still prevent these eye infections if we just practice safe habits when using eye makeup. So now let’s discuss what ingredients we need […]

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Accent Eye Care Phone Screens & Dark Modes

The use of digital phones has been prevalent these days, from children to people at old age. They use it for work, for socializing, for communication, for learning, and for entertainment. The usage of digital phones has become a big part of our society. A widespread feature on phone screens these days is the “Dark […]

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Accent Eye Care Can Tetris Help Treat Lazy Eye?

Amblyopia, also widely known as Lazy Eye, occurs during childhood when a weaker eye is being suppressed by the stronger eye which results in improper brain processing affecting the ability to focus properly and receive clear images due to impaired vision. It occurs when the vision on one eye does not develop correctly and is […]

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Accent Eye Care 2 Eyes Resulting to 1 Vision

  Have you ever been curious at one point in your life about why we have a pair of eyes when we only see one vision? Covering one of our eyes can still give us the ability to see, but there is a reason behind why we have two eyes instead of just one. And […]

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