Accent Eye Care NEUROLENS

Signs and Symptoms:
Binocular Vision Dysfunction is where the eyes aren’t perfectly working in tandem at all times, causing alignment and misalignment to the eyes so they struggle to work as a team. This does not create a clear picture for the person of what they are looking at, whether it’s working from a laptop or driving on the road.

Accent Eye Care NEUROLENS

The end result is that you end up with varying mild to severe signs and symptoms. Discomfort is headaches, dizziness, and blurred vision resulting in eye strain. Having impaired vision affects how you sleep, drive, read, and do daily tasks.

To remedy the issue of such persons with Binocular Vision Dysfunction, it will create a more positive impact for them with the use of Neurolens. Neurolens is a device that accurately measures and corrects any eye misalignment. There are 3 major components to consider: Neurolens Lifestyle Index, Neurolens Measurement, and Neurolens Correction. First, fill out the questionnaire form based on the patient’s signs and symptoms. Next, based on patients’ subjective data, Neurolens come into play.

By using the Neurolens Measurement Device, it has a systematic way of tracking eye movements in a continuous fashion, tracking it by dissociating and associating the eyes. Once it has gathered all the data, Clinicians can use an algorithm based on patient outcome measurements called Neurolens Prism Correction(value).

Accent Eye Care NEUROLENS

This value denotes the distance prismatic correction in which the contoured lenses will be evaluated and made readily accessible. The Neurolens process is very simple, efficient, and can be used to reassess a person’s binocular vision dysfunction over time. It’s important to consider changes in eyesight after a one to 2 years follow-up.

Neurolens prescription will have overall improved eyesight, thus correcting eye misalignment while reducing the signs and symptoms of a person’s eyesight.