Accent Eye Care Things You Can Expect From A Glendale Optometrist Eye Exam?

Why Get An Eye Exam?

Eye examinations are important for all ages and should be attended routinely. This is because treating ocular diseases is much more effective in the early stages. Additionally, there are several conditions that are very difficult to detect without a full comprehensive exam. If you are generally a healthy person, between the age of 18-60, we recommend that you visit an optometrist once every two years. Once you pass the age of 60, you should increase the frequency of visits to once per year.

Tests You Might See During An Exam

Your eyes fulfill many different purposes in your day to day life, so optometrists employ a wide array of tests and analyses to get a comprehensive view of your ocular health. During your eye exam our Glendale optometrist may test:

  • Eye muscles
  • Visual acuity
  • Color blindness
  • Coordination
  • Refraction
  • Ocular motor skills
  • Stereopsis (depth perception)
  • Peripheral vision
  • Retinal health
  • Glaucoma screening

Questions Your Glendale Optometrist May Ask

If this is your first eye exam, or just your first time visiting Accent Eyes, your Glendale optometrist may ask you several preliminary questions. Your answers will help them determine your risk of future complications, so be prepared to provide detailed information about:

  • Your family’s health history
  • Current vision problems
  • Past vision problems
  • Current medications
  • Past eye surgery
  • Your prescription

Before Your Exam

Before you attend a comprehensive eye exam you may want to prepare a little bit. A comprehensive eye exam might take an hour or two depending on the age, health, and medical history of the patient. If you wear some kind of vision correction you should bring them along so your doctor can review your prescription. Additionally, carry a pair of sunglasses in case you have your pupils dilated. Many optometrists offer disposable shades for your visit, but The Terminator might not be the style you’re looking for.