Accent Eye Care Don't Skip Your Eye Exams! Find an Optometrist Nearby | Accent Eyes

Your eyes are incredibly fragile and complex organs. Just like the rest of your body, they require proper nutrition, monitoring, and care. Poor vision can limit your productivity from academics to driving. Many conditions can’t be detected until they’ve already taken effect. Keep your vision clear and crisp by finding the best optometrist near you!

According to the recommendation of the American Optometrist Association (AOA), a newborn child should undergo a comprehensive eye examination by an Optometrist as early as six months of age. Then regular checkups should be every one to two years. This will help detect diseases and conditions early so we can begin treatment as soon as possible. Early detection is especially important for the development of a child. Adults should get a comprehensive eye exam every two years to maintain their lifelong healthy vision. Find a nearby optometrist to provide vision care for you and your family.

What do optometrists test during a child comprehensive eye examination?

The following parts of the eye are examined during a child comprehensive eye test at 6 months old:

  • Side vision
  • Eye pressure
  • Visual acuity
  • Medical history
  • Pupils
  • Eye movement and alignment
  • Cornea clarity and imperfections
  • Retina and optic nerve
  • Prescriptions for corrective lenses

Each part of these tests provide optometrists valuable information about your child’s visual health.

What do optometrists test during an adult comprehensive eye exam?

The AOA recommends an annual comprehensive eye examination test for seniors above the age of 61 years. This becomes more important if there are risk factors that include type 2 diabetes and high blood pressure.

Below are some of the most common eye tests performed on an adult. Additional needs may cause the need for more tests. The doctor looks the

• Pressure inside the eye, side vision test, and examination of the optic nerve and the retina.
• Visual system includes a review of the pupil reactions, eye movement, and an appraisal of the side vision.
• Eye coordination, eye-hand coordination, and eye movements.
• Eye health using an ophthalmoscope
• Each eye individually and collectively both with the aid of contact lenses and without.
• Eye muscle movement to check the eye alignment, as it moves from one side to the other.

Maintaining a healthy pair of eyes begins with a professional optometrist. Find the best optometrist near you that provides all of the family services you need. Call Accent Eye Care today at 602-547-3255!