Accent Eye Care The #1 Cause of Vision Loss | Phoenix Macular Degeneration Treatment

What is Macular Degenration?

Macular degeneration is mostly an age related condition that causes vision loss in more victims than cataracts and glaucoma combined. It’s common, painless, and quite controversial considering there is no known cure. However, there are a number of treatments which aim to slow the process as well as methods to prevent its development. Call our Phoenix macular degeneration treatment center today at 602-547-3255 to learn more about achieving peak optical health.

What Are Its Symptoms?

There are two types of age-related macular degeneration; Dry AMD and Wet AMD. Dry AMD is the most common and it tends to be far less serious. The symptoms include:

  • Blurry vision
  • Dark spots
  • Color loss

Wet AMD on the other hand is a far more serious issue. It’s caused by abnormal blood vessel growth and symptoms could include bleeding or other fluid leakage. As you can probably tell these symptoms are fairly ordinary. This is another reason Macular degeneration is the most common cause of vision loss in the world. It’s almost impossible to diagnose it without thorough eye exams. We may say it a lot, but the best action you can take to preserve the health of your eyes is to visit your optometrist on a regular basis.

Our Phoenix macular degeneration experts can spot it by yellow drusen deposits beneath the retina. To elaborate, drusen is essentially waste buildup of cholesterol, protein, and fats. While they are a natural and expected occurrence with age, they become dangerous in large quantities.

Phoenix Macular Degeneration Treatment

Our Phoenix macular degeneration treatment experts employ the most advanced clinical medication available in the field of optometry. While there may be no solid cure for it at the moment our doctors constantly track any advancements in medicine or prevention. We have implemented the industries best technologies to provide the most accurate diagnoses possible. Our first focus at Accent Eye Care is the well being of you and your family. If you want to take the first steps in ensuring a future of great optical health then call us today at 602-547-3255.