Accent Eye Care Is Your Child Having Trouble Seeing? | Children's Vision Care

It can sometimes be difficult to tell if children are experiencing vision problems, especially if they’re only toddlers. There are several visible signs and symptoms that could mean your child is having vision troubles. These can help you identify potential eye problems in your child even if he or she is too young to communicate. Vision problems can affect their schoolwork, health, and overall quality of life. If you recognize some of these symptoms, it may be time for a visit with you Children’s vision care specialist.


A common habit among those with nearsightedness, squinting may mean your child is straining to see far away and is having vision problems.

Sitting too close to the T.V. or holding devices close to the face

Your child’s desire to be unusually close to the television or other devices could mean they are having trouble seeing. This is generally a sign of nearsightedness and should be diagnosed by you Children’s vision care specialist.

Rubbing the eyes

A child rubbing his or her eyes could mean that they are having trouble focusing on far away objects.

Complaining of eye pain or headaches

Children with vision problems will likely complain about eye pain or headaches. Consistently struggling to refocus your vision can put a lot of needless strain on your child’s eyes. If they are having frequent headaches it may be time for glasses.

Closing or covering one eye

Those with binocular vision (coordinating both eyes)  troubles can sometimes close or cover one eye to try to adjust their focus.

Trouble concentrating on schoolwork

It’s hard to concentrate on what you can’t see. Problems focusing in school, on reading, or while doing homework could be the result of vision problems. If they can’t see what they’re supposed to be learning, it could be much harder for them to grasp. Many eye related problems can be difficult to detect, so make sure to visit your Children’s vision care expert for regular checkups.