Accent Eye Care How Diabetic Eye Disease Can Affect Your Vision  Diabetes is a very problematic disorder that affects your blood sugar levels and metabolism to a potentially severe degree. In addition to this, many diabetics are prone to vision refraction errors and eye disorders. If you have diabetes, and you are experiencing vision related issues it is important to schedule an eye exam before buying contacts or glasses.

What is Diabetic Eye Disease

Diabetic eye disease is a group of eye conditions that affect victims of diabetes. This includes cataracts, glaucoma, retinopathy, and more. People with diabetes have a higher risk of eye disease and blindness however, most only have minor eye disorders. To prevent developing major disorders make sure you are attending your routine eye exams.

Diabetic Retinopathy

Diabetic retinopathy is a serious concern for anyone with diabetes. This disease causes progressive damage to the retina, and is a sight threatening complication of diabetes. If you are frequently seeing floaters, or have dark spots in the center of your vision schedule an eye exam right away.


Glaucoma is a group of diseases that occurs more commonly with age and threatens the eye’s optic nerve. Pressure builds up in the eye, blocking the blood flow to the optic nerve resulting in a gradual loss of sight. In diabetics the risk of glaucoma increases by nearly fifty percent. There are several treatments for glaucoma including drugs that reduce pressure and surgery. However, the best option is to prevent it all together.


Cataracts are a very common occurrence with age, but your risk increases by more than fifty percent if you have diabetes. There are other factors that go into developing cataracts such as age, drinking, smoking, drug use, nutritional deficiencies, or even UV radiation. If you are experiencing cloudy vision it could be caused by cataracts.

Vision lost to diabetic eye disease can sometimes be irreversible. Some of these conditions can be treated with vision therapy or medication, and some may require surgery. To determine whether or not you need surgery for cataracts, glaucoma, or diabetic retinopathy consult with us at our Phoenix, Arizona office.