Sometime in 2011, I had my eyes examined by Dr. Gong and as I suspected, the right lens in my glasses made in Michigan was not correct. When the glasses were made, I received what I thought was a thorough examination by the Optometrist. But as I found when Dr Gong examined me, the previous examination was not nearly as complete as the one she provided. While examining my eyes, she discovered that my right eye had wet macular degeneration and this was the reason for my inability to see clearly from this eye. She placed me on an ocular supplement (Mesozeaxanthin Complex) and referred me to an Ophthalmologist as wet macular degeneration requires monthly injections into the eye of a very expensive drug along with the supplement that was recommended. Between the injections and the supplement, the sight in my right eye has been stabilized. Bottom line, all eye examinations by Optometrists are not the same and the examination, referral, and supplementation provided by Dr. Gong are the reasons I still have sight in my left eye. The sight is limited, but would have been zero without her intervention.
Harry O. Eidenier, Jr., Ph.D.
Dr. Gong and I have worked in partnership since 2000. I am so appreciative of her professionalism and profound generosity in assisting in the care of my patients. Together, we determine the visual and developmental needs of the children whom I refer through my practice and The Chrishaven Foundation. We have an incredible synergism that improves the lives of these children and their parents. Our innovative approach, state of the art diagnostic equipment and shared passion empower the parent, as part of the therapy team, to be the change agent for their child. I look forward to our continued collaborative effort for years to come.
-Rayma Ditson-Sommer, Ph.D.
Opnet Neurolearning Center
Peak Performance Center, Olympic Training
Chrishaven Foundation
For many years I practiced Vision Therapy and during this time I met Dr. Aleta Gong. Dr. Gong has been instrumental in promoting Vision Therapy in the Valley as well as educating her patients and the public on the benefits of this service. I believe in her ability so much so that after my retirement, she is the optometrist that I would recommend to friends or family. Any time that vision therapy is needed, Dr. Gong is the optometrist to go to. Her office is beautiful, well kept, and accessible. Her staff is friendly and efficient and the doctor herself is phenomenal. Without a doubt, Dr. Gong is at the top of her field.”
Dr. Laderman has been a doctor since 1955 and had his own private practice in the Valley until 2002. During this time he was one of the first optometrists in the Valley to practice Vision Therapy. In 1976 he was awarded Arizona Optometrist of the Year. He was also an active member of the Arizona Optometric Association and the College Of Vision Development, two of the top associations that deal with optometrists and Vision Therapy. In addition, he has served as President of the Central Arizona Optometric Society, President of the Arizona Optometric Association, and he was also President and member of the Arizona State Board of Optometry.
-Martin Laderman O.D.