M-Vision Therapy Success Stories

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FRI - 8:00AM - 2:30PM

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  • Accent Eye Care M-Vision Therapy Success Stories
  • Accent Eye Care M-Vision Therapy Success Stories
  • Accent Eye Care M-Vision Therapy Success Stories
  • Accent Eye Care M-Vision Therapy Success Stories
  • Accent Eye Care M-Vision Therapy Success Stories

We are so proud of our professional basketball player who has excelled, in a very short period of time, in every area of Sports Vision Therapy in comparison to the norms for other elite guards! Even after a concussion!

Laura Wolf, MS, OTR/L.

November 1, 2018

I would like everyone to know:

Accent Eye Care and Sport Vision Therapy has provided an outstanding level of service for both short term and long term comprehensive vision care needs for both myself and my family. Dr. Gong’s expertise is why we traveled weekly to her practice over this past year.

Vision therapy has been life changing for both myself and for my son. We have both experienced improved quality of life – no more double vision, headaches, nor depth perception issues affecting our ability to participate in every day activities. The vision therapy staff (Samantha and Bre) are a pleasure to work with and have been creative and encouraging throughout the vision therapy journey.

Reception staff (Kelsey and Karen) are always pleasant and accommodating and available to problem solve anything from scheduling to insurance issues. Jon, in Optical was resourceful and always went out of his way to ensure there we no issues with fit and made any modifications as needed.

As a pediatric occupational therapist, I have referred my patients and their families to Accent Eye Care as I know they can count on the same level of care and expertise.

Accent Eye Care M-Vision Therapy Success Stories

Alixandrea B.

July 8, 2018

Congratulations to AB upon her graduation from Vision Therapy! After AB’s concussion from a car accident, AB was dizzy, nauseous, light sensitive, and had poor balance. AB no longer has any of these symptoms and loves being able to read again! We want to thank AB for her gracious testimony and for all her diligence in improving every visual skill.

“I would like everyone to know that Dr. Gong and her staff will do whatever it takes to help you improve your vision. They make it fun; I couldn’t wait to come to vision therapy. All the therapists were very friendly and personable. I loved doing vision therapy as we used the latest technology to improve my vision. I would highly recommend Dr. Gong and her staff to anyone who needs vision therapy. When I was a little kid, I had vision problems. I came here and my vision really improved. Ten years later, when I needed vision therapy again (after a car accident concussion), I knew I had to come back to this office. Dr. Gong and her staff were able to help me read better and improve my visual skills. I will miss seeing my therapists because we had so much fun!”

Accent Eye Care M-Vision Therapy Success Stories

Logan’s mother

July 8, 2018

Logan started vision therapy at home when he was 6 years old. He couldn’t see out of his left eye at all, had very poor depth perception and could not see 3D at all! The prescribed home vision therapy worked quickly, and we had good success. He started to level off with home therapy and could not progress as quickly, so we started to come in every couple weeks for more intensive office vision therapy. The progress was amazing! In just 8 weeks, his eye sight improved greatly. While he still struggles with 3D, everything is coming easier, and I am so happy with all the progress he’s made. We are very grateful to Dr. Gong and her wonderful staff for everything. The office is full of amazing, caring people. We hope everyone’s story is as successful as Logan’s.

Accent Eye Care M-Vision Therapy Success Stories

Zara P.

June 13, 2018

I would like everyone to know Dr. Gong and her staff helped me in a fun way, that I don’t have headaches anymore, I read faster, and I don’t see double. I am really happy that they helped me on that improvement, for I worked hard and see much better now.

Zara P.’s Mother

We were referred to Dr. Gong by Dr. Lori Grover and would like Dr. Grover to know we are so grateful for the referral to the friendly, fun, intelligent, and professional people in Dr. Gong’s practice.

Accent Eye Care M-Vision Therapy Success Stories

Zara P.

June 13, 2018

I really loved the super nice people at Dr. Gong’s office who made therapy fun! I am reading much faster and now my eyes don’t get tired, so I can read more! Thank you!

I was referred by Dr. Grover and would like her to know I am reading better, and I am grateful for that!

Nicole Dziewa Rusboldt

May 17, 2018

They have helped my son so much. The staff is incredibly nice and very patient. I can’t say enough good things.

Accent Eye Care M-Vision Therapy Success Stories


June 04, 2018

Accent Eye Care is proud to present “Reagan, the Brick Wall”! Reagan has significantly improved his reading skills and no longer loses his place. “Reagan the Brick Wall,” is an All-Star goalie and does really well with tracking the puck while playing hockey. This year, Reagan earned his new title of All Star Goalie!

Accent Eye Care M-Vision Therapy Success Stories

Accent Eye Care M-Vision Therapy Success Stories


March 2018

I would like everyone to know that therapy has helped my vision in so many ways. It started to improve headaches and helped stop my double vision. The therapy itself was fun to do and was always enjoyable.

Accent Eye Care M-Vision Therapy Success Stories


April 2018

I would like everyone know that Vision Therapy has really helped me with reading and in all my academics. I am an honor roll student now because of Vision Therapy. It also has helped me in everyday life as well! [I have less visual stress and visual fatigue and I like sports and reading more!]

Accent Eye Care M-Vision Therapy Success Stories

Jaime Stubstad

April 17, 2017

My daughter was referred to Dr. Gong by Dr. Logan Ragan. Dr Gong and her staff did an amazing job with helping our daughter, Riley, with vision therapy. Riley came in with both eyes needing help and less than a year later, she is at the top of her class for reading!

Accent Eye Care M-Vision Therapy Success Stories

Jerome Tuccille

February 3, 2017

“I would like everyone to know that our son, Anthony, has progressed so much since he started vision therapy. We had no idea that it could benefit our son in so many different aspects. Anthony has shown impressive improvements in his balance, focus and confidence after working with Dr. Gong and her wonderful staff. We’ve also seen a decrease in stress, fatigue and frustration. He enjoys school more since beginning his therapy and he just seems to be happier in general. We are very happy with the progress we are seeing and would recommend vision therapy to any parent considering it for their children.”

Accent Eye Care M-Vision Therapy Success Stories

Jenifer Clayton

February 3, 2017

“Jeni Clayton got Student of the Year at Basis Peoria which would never have been possible without the care provided by Accent Eye Care. Before vision therapy Jeni worked her hardest to pass her spelling tests, after just 8 weeks she got A’s on her spelling tests the rest of the year! She was able to now get all of the notes from the board in class, read a face clock and comprehend better. Before VT, I spent 3-4 hours every night rereading all of her text books to her so she could learn audibly as her brain was shutting off her right eye. She worked so very hard at school. She began to show such self confidence and to love school! She loved soccer and became a more confident player as well. Vision therapy has been a life changer for my sweet Jeni and I will be forever grateful! She just completed her 6th grade year at Basis Peoria where she took chemistry, biology, physics, pre-algebra, Latin, English, history and PE. She doesn’t usually receive awards at the end of the year school awards. This year I was delighted and brought to tears as her name was called to receive Student of the Year at Basis Peoria!!!! I share this with you as it wouldn’t have been possible without you, thank you so much!!”

Tasha Ellison

January 27, 2017

We love Dr. gong. She is very thoughtful and great at her job. Our whole family goes to her. My son got his glasses at 2 and she just found out my daughter has double vision. Even tho vision works did her eye exam and didn’t bother to do a good job. Really do enjoy her office and staff

Accent Eye Care M-Vision Therapy Success Stories

Jonathan Lucero

January 6, 2017

I would like everyone to know that our experience with Accent Eye Care has been fun and very productive. We had significant concerns about Christian’s eyes tracking. Over the course of different and fun units, Christian has made incredible progress. Christian enjoys the staff and the games they play. We also take these games and exercises home to further his progress. He’s come so far in his abilities. We are very thankful to Dr. Gong, Alaina and others who paid very special attention to Christian and his needs. They made sure he would be successful. Thank you, Dr. Gong!

Melanie B.

“The vision therapy program was fantastic. Zach now says with pride ””I can read better!”” That is music to our ears. He is less frustrated and less stressed when he reads. The entire experience was wonderful; from the moment we were greeted at the front desk, to the last appointment. The entire staff was supportive, helpful and friendly. We are very pleased with our experience here!”

Accent Eye Care M-Vision Therapy Success Stories

Steven T.

“I would like everyone to know that Dr. Gong and her office are very nice and respectful. When I first started vision therapy, it was really hard but my eyes are getting better and better each week. Dr. Gong’s office is one of the best offices I know because they will help you no matter what. Now my eyes are close to perfect because of their help. I want to thank everyone who helped me. Also, my vision was best corrected to 20/80 at first and now I am now 20/20. Thanks guys! :)”

Kathy Wheeler

June 16, 2017

Dr Gong is amazing. She takes all the time needed with you and you never feel rushed. Vanessa is great too… Let’s face it the whole office has been wonderful. And i can see again!

Lina Porras

June 15, 2017

I’ve been seeing Dr.Gong for many years. Lately, it does seem like I’ve had to wait 30 minutes before being seen. Before this visit, I had called and receptionist made an appt. for me. She gave me a time and date. When I went on that date and time – nothing was scheduled for me. Error of receptionist. Also, I won’t buy my contact lenses there. Very over priced.

Cheryl Pugh

December 8, 2016

This group of professionals go above and beyond to ensure that the patient and the patient’s family are taken care of with the greatest of service and genuine care and concern.

Stephen Cohen

May 16, 2014

As a colleague of Dr. Gong’s, I can assure her patients that they are in the very capable hands of someone who is extremely knowledgeable, compassionate, and ethical. She is equally as nice a person as she is an outstanding doctor.

Michael Woods

August 12, 2014

Dr Gong and her staff are amazing!! She has made my husbands quality of life so much better! He can see again! Dr Gong and Mandy always take the time to make my family feel welcome in there office. No matter how busy they are. So thank you Dr Gong, Mandy and everyone else Accent Eye Care M-Vision Therapy Success Stories

Bill & Jo Ann B.

“I would like everyone to know how much Dr. Gong and her staff has done for our Matthew. He started young to vision therapy when he was in the third grade (at that time he was not working at that grade or even close). Had he been in my class (or any other), he would have been referred for special education when in fact, he had a vision problem. Dr. Gong has worked with Matthew very faithfully for the past two and a half years. We have seen tremendous growth in Matthew through the experience and activities that have been given to him. As a third grade teacher in the Peoria School District, I can only wonder how many students that I have had with similar problems who have gone undiscovered or incorrectly diagnosed with learning disabilities. Dr. Gong went over and above what most doctors would have done in her research and treatment of Matthew.”

Kimberley C.

“This is an absolute miracle for us. Samantha struggled with reading, comprehension and flow. It was an extreme battle to get her to read. She cried, I yelled, and so our 20 minutes of reading torture began! The reading teacher at school helped some, but she was still struggling. It took the first unit for me to see a clear difference. We hung in there. I knew this was the answer! She is doing so well at school and she will even pick up a book on her own. She may only read a page but that would have never happened before. Thank you to Dr. Gong and her staff for their dedication in helping Sam see and read well!”

Lydia M.

“I would like everyone to know that between eye and hand therapy, Robert has become the student I always knew was inside him. He has numerous friends now, his grades are improving and he was honored as the “”Terrific Kid”” of the week last week at school. His previous school was sure he ADD, conduct disorder or Asperger’s Syndrome so we had him tested but I knew in my heart he had none of these. The tests proved my intuition was correct. Something was not right but I could not put my finger on the problem. Margaret from Scribble to Script was the person that diagnosed Robert with his eye issue. Sure enough, Dr Gong confirmed his eyes were not working together. I asked Margaret how she knew to test for eye movement and she stated her son had the problem. One mother connecting with another mother. I am very pleased with the work that has been completed by Dr. Gong and I will recommend her to any and all future people that I meet that have any behavior problems with their children. A proper eye exam would have caught Robert’s problem much earlier and could have saved him valuable time with his school work. He tested 20/20 on the school exam! I assumed his eyes were working fine, little did I know! Thank you, Dr. Gong, for the proper diagnosis and treatment, without you, Robert most likely would have been placed on drugs to try to control his behavior. Little did I know that it was his eyes!”

Lillian H.

“I would like everyone to know it is possible for an adult to correct their eye dysfunctions through vision therapy. I first learned of my difficulties while in law school. I just did not have the ability to finish the long reading assignments, especially finishing the cases and reading material. It was even more difficult to retain the material just read. I was handed a diagnosis of Convergence Insufficiency at the time – a diagnosis or condition I no longer have. It had taken a great deal of work but I now have depth perception and love picking up a good book which was a pastime that fell to the wayside with the condition. Now, I look forward to applying once again to law or graduate school with a much more fruitful experience ahead of me.”

Brett W.

“Reading / Study / Sports skills are greatly affected by the eye issues experienced by Mark. Reading tutors, dyslexia therapy, special programs at school only had limited impact upon the problem. No real progress was made until Mark participated in vision therapy. Every student with reading issues should be tested for eye problems before reading programs are implemented.”

Jennifer B.

“Our experience here has been wonderful. We were told the Vision Therapy wouldn’t take long and they really meant it! I can’t believe how much was accomplished in such a short time. Osborn is now reading at his level perfectly! Very Exciting! We will come back in the recommended time of six months. I’d be crazy not to mention Carolyn! She is fantastic! She worked very well with my son and he really enjoyed coming to do his exercises with her. Thanks for everything!”

Sharon C.

“About one year ago, my son Carter was having a very hard time with school. He was behind both his reading and writing and we didn’t know why. He was (and is) a very bright child. We took him to a regular eye doctor who said he and his vision were fine but someday he may need glasses. School didn’t get easier. Then we met Dr. Gong and her associates. Dr. Gong gave Carter a test which showed his eyes were not working together, but independently, which was the problem. He has completed several Vision Therapy sessions, his eyes are working together and he’s doing much better in school. Much thanks to Dr. Gong and her staff.”

Brenda C.

“Elias looked like a normal little 5 year old in every way. We figured he ran into walls, fell and bumped his head because he was just an active 5 year old boy. However, his preschool teachers were concerned about his progress and suggested various tests to rule out issues. The developmental psychiatrist told us he was going to be an average C student and thankfully didn’t prescribe meds for ADHD or anything like that. The pediatrician and ear doctors said he was normal too. So I thought what was wrong with my son? Well, thankfully Dr. Gong figured out the problem. Elias’ eyes were not working properly. He had 20/20 vision but he could not bring his eyes together to be able to focus on numbers or words (the basic requirement to learn how to read). His eyes were even moving in two different directions at the same time! After three units of Vision Therapy, Elias learned to read, play Wii Tennis, started playing racquet ball (he can hit the ball 3 times in a row) and his teacher said he has completely matured and he is doing so well! Thank you Dr. Gong!”

Cindy D.

“I would like everyone to know that before Dr. Gong discovered the Convergence Insufficiency in our son, we had his eyes checked four previous years due to his complaints of not being able to read the words on a page. All four previous professionals told us that there was nothing wrong with his vision and lead us to believe that he was just using that as an excuse for not reading or comprehending what he read. The day we met Dr. Gong she not only explained but demonstrated to us what the problem was, brought me to tears. Now, nine months later, our son will actually read with very little prodding. His teachers have remarked that they also see improvements. We had a small party at home the first time he was able to actually write legibly and on the line. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.”

Jennifer D.

“Vision Therapy has been an important step in increasing my daughter’s success and quality of life. My daughter is an advanced reader and gifted in mathematics but she was unable to read books at her level because the print was small for her. She was unable to read her homework and math tests as well. This caused her to make errors which made it look as if she didn’t understand the math when, in fact, she simply couldn’t see what was written. Since undergoing almost a year of Vision Therapy, she no longer has these problems with her school work, nor does she suffer from the headaches and eye fatigue she previously experienced.”

Betsy F.

“I would like everyone to know how much Vision Therapy has changed Bryan’s life. From thinking he was lazy to even following writing on a straight line, VT has helped me to see that he really had a physical problem with his school work. His reading comprehension has improved for him to read chapter books and enjoy the stories now. He loves to write stories and draw more. He loves to play catch with a baseball. The frustration is disappearing as he is working on his homework. He is able to read and understand directions. We are very grateful to have gone through VT to help improve what we thought was a character issue with Bryan. It’s made everyone’s life easier.”

Lance G.

“I would like everyone to know that Vision Therapy has changed my life for the better. Everything is easier. I have noticed a dramatic increase in my study habits and education in general. My depth perception has improved and because of this, basketball has become much easier. I now notice things I had never noticed before. I would like to thank everyone who helped me, it’s been fun.”

Teresa G.

“My son, John, was having trouble doing his school work in a timely manner. He always seemed frustrated. He complained that his eyes hurt, they were tired or he had a headache. It took all night for him to do his homework. It was always a battle! Since he has been doing the vision therapy, his homework time is much more pleasant. He is able to keep up in class. He no longer complains about his eyes hurting or having headaches. All of us are a lot less frustrated!”

Sue W.

“I would like everyone to know that Melody has actually improved her reading and comprehensive skills since having Vision Therapy. She actually enjoys reading and playing video games now. Her writing skills have improved and she is getting better grades on spelling tests too. She does not have that worried look on her face anymore when she is reading for a book report. She also has a learning disability, so this was not a cure-all but at least it has helped her self-esteem and she tries more on her own with school projects. This has been one of the most rewarding things that have come our way to help Melody in school. We are still amazed that after 6 years in slow learning classes, none of the teachers realized this could have been a form of dyslexia.”

Amy G.

“Tyler used to be a child who was semi withdrawn with no interest in trying new things. Since Tyler has started Vision Therapy he has become more excited about trying new things and loves to read. Tyler enjoys his Vision Therapists and loves the staff at Dr. Gong’s office. If Tyler didn’t receive therapy my fear would have been that he’d regress in studies, have no desire to read and become removed from pursuing other interests. He has made remarkable progress during the last four months. I’m so proud of all he has accomplished in such a short time. This could never truly explain my excitement!”

Clarissa G

“There has been a big improvement in my son’s self confidence since he started Vision Therapy. His grades gave improved as well as his willingness to go to school. There also has been an improvement in his eye to hand coordination. I am so glad that his eye problems were detected and that Vision Therapy had been recommended. I would recommend this program to anyone that may need it. Dr. Gong and her staff are always willing to help or answer questions. They are great! Thank you so much for your help.”

Lora G.

“I would like everyone to know that my son is reading with improved speed, comprehension and self esteem. I appreciate everything we have learned here and continue to learn. I have a happier, smiling and more relaxed child. He was diagnosed with mild ADHD and now he is a different boy and we owe this to everyone at Dr. Gong’s office. Thank you!”

Suzanne H.

“I would like everyone to know that prior to vision therapy, Jordan cried every day when he had to go to school. He is in kindergarten – this is when school is supposed to be fun! He had trouble writing and learning to read. He had no depth perception. He is now reading above grade level. He can focus when he looks between his paper and the board. He doesn’t cry when it’s time for school. He is more confident. Additionally, he played T-Ball this year. He was hit in the forehead by a ball in the first practice – he couldn’t tell it was that close. Now he is hitting balls the coach pitches and he catches most balls coming at him. All this progress came from 2 months work. It’s amazing! His teacher marvels at the change in him.”

Angie H.

“Bryce has improved in reading and willingness to read. He repeated kindergarten and went from barely passing to getting all A’s. He improved his spelling tests from getting 50% correct to getting 90-100% correct. He went from not reading at all at age 6 to being an example for other students in his class. Thank you very much Dr. Gong and staff.”

Susan J.

“I would like everyone to know that this was the best use of my time and money. Dalton was frustrated, withdrawn and he disliked school and reading. We could not understand why he would study for hours only to fail the exam/test. Someone suggested Dalton to have a developmental vision exam. This opened our eyes to what Dalton has been experiencing for years. Poor guy didn’t know things were not supposed to be seen that way. After four months of therapy, his attitude toward reading and school completely changed. He is more confident in his ability to read and learn new things. His therapist was friendly and helpful. The home exercises are easy to do. Thank you!”

Denise K.

“We have experienced much success with Dr. Gong and the Vision Therapy she has recommended for both of our boys. With our older son Alex, there was a huge difference in his ability to stay focused on his school work. As a result, he’s enjoying much success in school as well as his chosen sports activities two years later. Our youngest son Kyle has just completed his Vision Therapy and we are already seeing changes in his ability to comprehend what he is reading. We would recommend that everyone at least have their children’s eyes examined by Dr. Gong to eliminate vision problems from the equation.”

Keri L.

“As a parent, I was concerned about my daughter’s eyesight. At age 6 she was found to have a slight nearsightedness and I was afraid she would need glasses at an early age. I took her to Dr. Gong to get tested and found that we could do therapy to correct this. Within a few months, the near sightedness was gone; she was reading much faster and comprehending what she was reading. Thank you Dr. Gong.”

Connor M.

“Vision Therapy is worth it for anyone. The initial plan seems daunting but the process is easy and fun. I used to suffer from crippling migraine headaches and I rarely ever get them now. The time I took from my high school schedule has been supremely worth it. If you stick with the program and do home therapy you will be successful. Good luck.”

Alexis M.

“I would like everyone to know that I read a lot faster now. I love to read more difficult books, I can red out loud and be confident about what I’m reading. My hand writing is still not the best but it’s understandable. I just feel so much happier.”

Misti R.

“One of Randy’s teachers was certain Randy had ADD/ADHD and I just would not accept it. I decided that it was time for an eye exam. We found Randy needed glasses and the likelihood of Randy correcting his vision issues with Vision Therapy would be very high. We opted to do Vision Therapy and Randy is doing great. Randy’s vision used to be prismatic (where words or shapes were not level, they were stacked) but now he is reading better, more often and longer. He does not use his glasses very often unless he is tired. Vision Therapy is a great tool for children. Thanks to Dr. Gong’s findings, we were able to correct many of Randy’s problems in school and we did not have to put him on any medicine for ADD/ADHD.”

Annette S.

“I would like everyone to know that I believe all children should be evaluated for visual problems beyond the standard tests offered. Marissa began Vision Therapy because she was unable to read for more than a few sentences at a time. She had gone from loving reading to hating it. Words were sliding off the page. She had to re read everything repeatedly and she couldn’t remember what she read. Marissa now reads 30-45 minutes a day for fun in addition to all her daily school assignments. She no longer loses track of where she is reading, comprehends what she reads and reads smoothly. This has been the most important cognitive and development task accomplished this school year.”

Robyn W.

“My son has experienced improved vision control over the course of his vision therapy. The vision therapy has helped him improve his school work and given him more confidence. He is able to complete his writing assignments faster and with less frustration. Overall I think the vision therapy was definitely worth the time and cost for my son. The therapist was positive, encouraging and patient. Thank you Accent Eye Care.”

Judith A.

“If a child has 20/20 vision it doesn’t mean they can “”see”” properly. Many visual problems can be corrected easily and quickly if the proper professionals are found. I would like everyone to know about Dr. Aleta Gong and her staff were a precious find. Not only did Caden receive the very best Vision Therapy resulting in a happier and more confident child; we became part of the Gong Family. Thank you all so very much for your professionalism and expertise but also for your friendly and caring environment. Children respond easily to Dr. Gong because she truly cares about them. She is the best!”